As the harsher voices of what has been and has happened in the last two years begin to fade and withdraw, I think it is important to try to keep a clear memory of it all. Personally, perhaps as a consequence of living in a civilized country (UK) where you can spend whole days without talking about COVID, vaccines and even seeing a mask, a certain ghost re-emerges, sometimes in dreams, sometimes in front of you, physical and heavy. It is the ghost of the pandemic…
Read MoreModernity is the world of disconnectedness from reality. It has been cultivating the seeking of always new realms of experience, why, because the world that we had, the world was given to us, was sees as not good enough. S it had to be improved, or replaced witha better world.
Read MoreMultă vreme m-a frământat o întrebare pe care o auzisem, undeva prin anii 2000, de la șeful unei publicații respectabile din Cluj. Vorbeam pe coridor, la o țigară, despre Gheorghe Funar, pe atunci primar la Cluj. Amicul se întreba — la fel ca o grămadă de intelectuali din țara asta — cum e posibil ca un asemenea trickster să existe și să ia parte în mod activ și cu atâta succes la viața politică.
Read MoreI was wondering why bad examples propagate so quickly throughout the media, while good examples don’t. Wealthy advice for the poor A ‘news’ story that
Read MoreEurope finds itself on the verge of the worst humanitarian disaster since the Holocaust. EU countries bear a direct responsibility for the origin of this
Read MoreThere’s always a radio playing nearby, there’s always a TV turned on, there’s always a screen in front of your eyes and an ad popping
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