We need a large call to prayer. Humankind needs no reset, large or small. We don’t want to reset our civilisation.
Read MoreThe monster was asleep and it’s waking up again. We need spiritual unity and inner strength to resist the upcoming spiritual war. Many liberties will probably be taken away from us, but spiritual freedom can’t be taken away once one has it, because it is a gift from God.
Read MoreHere is a weird coincidence, and I’m not sure whether it’s funny or sad. In november I published a article on the “Firefighter Effect” in International Political Anthropology and I argued that this world was actively promoting a reversal of values at global scale (e.g. healing vs killing, protection vs aggression etc.).
Read MoreThe world is on the verge of the widest and most cruel dictatorship. This is a transition period. We need to act now, befor the system stabilises itself. But protests are not enough. Your Government must answer a number of precise questions.
Read MoreYou had one year, Dear Government, ONE FULL YEAR to build those EXTRA hospitals you said you lacked in the spring 2020, which would have spared us these lockdowns. Have you done anything about that?
Read More20 de șefi de state și guverne cer, într-o scrisoare comună, semnarea unui tratat care să creeze o “comunitate globală” pentru a pune deoparte “naționalismul” și “izolaționismul”.
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